Reactive programming techniques 101
This blog post collects useful programming techniques applied in reactive programming with Spring Webflux and Reactor framework.
Lightweight APIs with Webflux
REST API developed with Springboot often takes few seconds to bootstrap the server and load all dependencies. This is not ideal for tiny services which require less than 1-2 seconds of startup time to be able to serve requests. With Spring Webflux, the ability to create a lean and fast http service without loading in the whole Spring framework make it suitable for use cases:
- Run Java REST API in AWS Lambda or FaaS
- Utility services such as password encoder, encryption…
Only one dependency is required:
In this trivial example below, the utility API encodes request body into base64 string. This application’s startup time is less than 1 second.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val httpHandler = RouterFunctions.toHttpHandler(routes())
fun routes(): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> {
return RouterFunctions.route(
HandlerFunction {
.map { t -> Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(t.toByteArray()) }
.flatMap { t ->
Reading disposable resource with Flux.using
The method Flux.using
, which is a factory method, supports creation of a stream from a disposable
resource. It is a reactive style of try-with-resources
from Java 7. The example below illustrates
how to read a file into a Flux of string and automatically close the file resource handler.
val streamOfLines = Files.lines(Path.of(DefaultResourceLoader().getResource("test.txt").uri));
Flux.using<String, Stream<String>>(
{ streamOfLines },
{ s: Stream<String> -> Flux.fromStream(s) },
BaseStream<String, Stream<String>>::close
).delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)).doOnNext { t ->
The `Flux.using` method accepts three parameters:
- Callable resource supplier: in this case is a Supplier of `Stream When dealing with bytes level, Spring core introduces a new abstraction called
Spring Webflux provides a number of non-blocking connectors such as Reactive MongoDB (NoSQL)
or WebClient to deal with HTTP calls. When it is required to handle communications with blocking
services, Reactor also offers Scheduler component to create dedicated thread pools. Imagine
you have an existing blocking JPA repository. A reactive service would look like: When a stream consumer subscribes to `getTweetById` method and starts the subscription by invoking `subscribe()`,
the execution of the block `fromCallable` happens under the new thread scheduler `jdbcScheduler`.
The method `subscribeOn(jdbcScheduler)` specifies the way threads are created and managed while executing
the blocking code. Because accessing database is I/O intensive operation, the elastic thread pool is the suitable scheduler type. However, when the operation is CPU bound, fixed size thread pool or `parallel()` is a good choice. **Important**: do not wrap a blocking call in Mono or Flux like `Mono.just(invokeBlockingCall())`
as the call `invokeBlockingCall()` will be excuted in the same thread which the subscriber
has subscribed on. Always think of Scheduler when dealing with blocking calls. When an event needs to be routed to multiple recipients for processing, Reactor’s Following code will invoke both services and wait for combined result: To be continued…DataBuffer
and a convenient utility DataBufferUtils
, so reading a buffer of 512 bytes
into a Flux<DataBuffer>
could be simply done by:val fluxOfBuffer: Flux<DataBuffer> =
Adapt blocking to non-blocking
interface BlockingTweetRepository: CrudRepository<Tweet, String>
fun jdbcScheduler(): Scheduler {
return Schedulers.newElastic("jdbcScheduler")
class ReactiveTweetRepositoryAdapter(
val bookRepo: BlockingTweetRepository,
val jdbcScheduler: Scheduler) {
fun getTweetById(id: String): Mono<Tweet> {
return Mono.fromCallable {
.orElse(Tweet(id, "default message"))
Scatter gather
operator allows the stream consumer to subscribe to multiple upstreams and wait for all publishers
to emit output events. The output events are combined into tuple
data type, which can be
extracted later. Let say we have two async services:interface NonBlockingTweetService {
fun getTweet(id: String): Mono<Tweet>
interface NonBlockingInstagramService {
fun getPost(id: String): Mono<Post>
class Aggregator(
val tweetSvc: NonBlockingTweetService,
val instagramSvc: NonBlockingInstagramService) {
fun aggregate(tweetId: String, instaId: String): Mono<String> {
).flatMap { t: Tuple2<Tweet, Post> ->
Mono.just("Tweet: ${t.t1.msg}, Instagram: ${t.t2.msg}")