Kubernetes (k8s) has introduced a number of ways to extend its APIs and data structure for customising and managing complex workloads. In this post, I attempt to leverage k8s’s Operator pattern and Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to manage the life cycle of a Kafka consumer group running atop a k8s cluster.
When you write a couple of classes and just realise that there are functionalities that can be shared, a tendency is to create a parent / abstract class or define an utilitity class.
In 2019, Google announced Jetbrain’s Kotlin as the first-class language for Android development. Since then, Kotlin has evolved to be more than just a language for Android. On kotlinlang.org, it claims to be safe, concise, expressive and cross-platform.
This blog post collects useful programming techniques applied in reactive programming with Spring Webflux and Reactor framework.
Lightweight APIs with Webflux REST API developed with Springboot often takes few seconds to bootstrap the server and load all dependencies.
It is 2019, while every man and his dog talks about Machine Learning & AI, I have spent some time this week to play with Drools (HRS - Hybrid Reasoning system) and built an API with it.